Looking for accommodation for a one-off or regular event on a Monday morning please contact the Park Church Office
We are knitting for the Linus Project charity this year and we look forward to seeing as many of you at our Monday Meetings from 1.45pm to 3.45pm. Just turn up at the Park Church small hall or contact Senga McIntosh for further information.
For those unfamiliar with the Charlie Brown cartoons, Linus is a little boy who drags a comfort blanket around with him. The charity provides quilts and small knitted blankets to sick and traumatised children and to those leaving care or going into foster care.
Anyone who would like to knit at home should contact Senga McIntosh or Elizabeth Hutton for patterns.
If you would like to sew a quilt, get in touch with Gill Bain for sizes and ideas.
We gratefully accept donations of double knitting yarn in pastel colours or pieces of unused cotton fabric in any colour or size.
We will make good use of all contributions
The McCarthy School of Dance provides a welcoming and friendly environment for children to enjoy dance classes and learn through a structured syllabus. Our teachers pride themselves in their dedicated approach where each child is given time and attention to achieve their potential. Students are offered the opportunity to take part in annual exams in December and our annual show in June – this is the best part of the year where all the hard work is enjoyed by family and friends!
For those who wish to dedicate more to dancing, we run a separate competitive dance programme, and athletes have recently won a bid to compete at the World Championships in Florida in April 2023, a fantastic achievement for our dancers, some who have been dancing with us for over 10 years!
The McCarthy School of Dance is run by sisters Claire and Jenny. We opened our school in August 2007 in Clarkston and extended to offering classes in Giffnock in 2012. We have been using the halls at Park Church since 2019 and have been made to feel welcome and included in the church community.
Our particular thanks to Calum and Peter for all their help, especially of the last couple of years where we have faced disruption to our classes and much uncertainty around our business. We are pleased to report that our classes are thriving again and we couldn’t have done this without your support, thank you!
For more information about our classes, please email us at:
Chess has been persuasively linked with improving children's concentration, problem-solving, critical, original and creative thinking – and even mathematical abilities. It is also said to help with memory storage and how young brains manage information – and should not only be perceived as a game for gifted children.
Cathcart has a long record of teaching youngsters and currently our Junior Club meets on Monday evenings – for those at Primary School from 5.30pm to 7.15pm and for older children at Secondary School from 7.30pm to 9pm.
Cathcart Chess Club, one of the largest and longest established chess clubs in Scotland, was founded in 1953 by a few chess enthusiasts and next year will celebrate its 70th Anniversary.
It is an active and friendly club welcoming players of all strengths from beginners to chess masters with internal competitions for all. We run teams in the 3 divisions of the Glasgow Chess League and in Scotland’s Richardson Cup competition.
We meet at 7.15pm on Monday evenings at The Park Church. If you would like further information on the club, or wish to join, please contact our club secretary Alistair Maxwell, (tel. 0141 620 2115).
“Chess improves concentration. Studies show that chess helps players increase their concentration levels and memory power. In fact, some of the best schools and colleges in the country recommend this game to help their students develop various skills such as logical thinking, abstract reasoning and spatial intelligence.”
Check out our web page: www.cathcartchessclub.org.uk
Come to me, O ye children! For I hear you at your play,
And the questions that perplexed me. Have vanished quite away.
Ye open the eastern windows, that look towards the sun,
Where thoughts are singing swallows and the brooks of morning run.
Extract from ‘Children’ by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
We have been having a lot of fun at Giffnock Park Church’s Toddler Group in 2019. A particular highlight has been the soft archery sessions kindly put on by David Hutton. There were a lot of huge grins on the faces of the children who took part. They absolutely loved the opportunity to learn something new and they clearly had a blast. I would like to say a massive thank you to David for taking the time to share his skills with us.If you know of any mums, grandmas or child-minders, who might enjoy the group then please feel free to pass on my details. If members of the Church fancy coming along to join in the fun then please feel free to pop in for a cuppa.
Kat Hannon, 07717 201 613
We also meet on Wednesday mornings
Over the years, regularly, every Tuesday morning 10am - 10.45am, we meet in the Session House to pray. It is open to all and everyone will be made most welcome. Should you need any further information please speak to the Minister.
"More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreamed " (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
"O Let the place of secret prayer become to me the most beloved spot on earth" (Andrew Murray Scottish Preacher )
We study either a book of the bible e.g. Haggai one of the minor prophets or sometimes it will be a subject like patience or peace and we are all given a chance to have our say and bring our thoughts to the group.
Please contact the Rainbow Leader for meeting times
We have had a great term so far, starting off with our camp in September. We had a jam-packed weekend at Netherurd with adventurous activities such as zip lining and high ropes courses, not to mention sleeping under canvas which was a first for many girls! Girlguiding UK have launched a new programme this year and we have thoroughly enjoyed getting stuck into the new activities and badges on offer. We recently had 8 girls make their Guide promise at our Halloween party which was a great success thanks to the planning of our older Guides who are working on completing their Baden Powell Award. Leaders are in the first stages of planning another camp for June 2019 in the hope for a weekend of sunshine!
Please contact the Guide Leader for opening times
We also meet on Tuesday Mornings for more fun !
The group meets from May to September on the last Wednesday of the month 7.15 – 9pm.
It is a very informal group with tea/coffee on arrival. If you’re coming from work when you can, if you need to leave to pick up kids etc then do so.
We started the group for women to meet to discuss and explore our Christian faith, so many questions, and being able to just sit and talk was good. A few of us unsure of our faith especially when life is difficult.
We have had an evening where if you wanted you could bring your favourite verse or hymn. This was a successful night and most of us can still recall the importance behind these very personal memories.
We have film nights, and had Liz, a marvellous storyteller, who shared the history of some wonderful ladies, some we know little about yet they have made they’re mark in history.
All welcome watch the church website for details nearer our start time.
We are a large unit of 28 girls following the new Every Girl Programme.
The Brownies are currently working on two themes from the new Girlguiding programme: Express Myself and Know Myself. As part of the programme they have been practising using sign language to improve their communication skills and using the phonetic alphabet to send hidden messages. The girls were asked in December what activities they wished to do in the Spring and they suggested a talent show. Just before the Easter holidays the Brownies performed magic tricks, dancing, singing and playing instruments in the talent show which earned them their performing badge.
Over the coming months we are hoping to take the Brownies out into the church grounds and spend some more time playing outside as the weather improves The Brownies will continue to work towards the themes of Express Myself and Know Myself and will complete more challenges which will earn them badges.
Catherine Maxwell
Please contact Catherine for opening times
Please contact the Church office for information
Looking for accommodation for a one-off or regular event on a Thursday afternoon please contact the Park Church Office
Our club have recently relocated our meetings to the Park Church and we are pleased to be so warmly welcomed by everyone we have met at the church.
We meet ever Thursday 2.00 – 4.00pm in term time. We paint at our own level in a friendly and constructive atmosphere and new members are always welcome. Please come along any Thursday to see what you think with no obligation to join for a couple of weeks. We look forward to meeting you.
If you would like any further information, please visit our stall in the hall or take a look at our website – eastwoodartclub.uk or email eastwoodartclub@btinternet.com
If you want to learn how to play the guitar here is your opportunity!
Contact Joe Wilson by email to 1joewilson@gmail.com
The aim of the class is to improve or maintain aerobic capacity, muscle tone, motor skills and balance - but above all to have fun.
If you wish to join just come along at the start of a class or contact Alison Richardson on 07483832474. You will be made most welcome. Please wear trainers and bring a mat or towel to lie on.
Looking for accommodation for a one-off or regular event on a Friday morning or afternoon please contact the Park Church Office
The McCarthy School of Dance provides a welcoming and friendly environment for children to enjoy dance classes and learn through a structured syllabus. Our teachers pride themselves in their dedicated approach where each child is given time and attention to achieve their potential. Students are offered the opportunity to take part in annual exams in December and our annual show in June – this is the best part of the year where all the hard work is enjoyed by family and friends!
For those who wish to dedicate more to dancing, we run a separate competitive dance programme, and athletes have recently won a bid to compete at the World Championships in Florida in April 2023, a fantastic achievement for our dancers, some who have been dancing with us for over 10 years!
The McCarthy School of Dance is run by sisters Claire and Jenny. We opened our school in August 2007 in Clarkston and extended to offering classes in Giffnock in 2012. We have been using the halls at Park Church since 2019 and have been made to feel welcome and included in the church community.
Our particular thanks to Calum and Peter for all their help, especially of the last couple of years where we have faced disruption to our classes and much uncertainty around our business. We are pleased to report that our classes are thriving again and we couldn’t have done this without your support, thank you!
For more information about our classes, please email us at:
The aim of the class is to improve or maintain aerobic capacity, muscle tone, motor skills and balance - but above all to have fun.
If you wish to join just come along at the start of a class or contact Alison Richardson on 07483832474. Please wear trainers and bring a mat or towel to lie on.
Hall to Rent
Looking for accommodation for a one-off or regular event on a Saturday please contact the Park Church Office
Sunday Morning Service
All are welcome to our traditional Church of Scotland Service with choir and organ.
A warm welcome to each and all who gather in Park Church this morning. Whoever you are today and however far you have travelled to be here, we hope you will enjoy your time with us as we worship God together and give God thanks for week past and seek God's blessing for the week to come. After our time of Worship together there will be the opportunity for fellowship to continue over tea and coffee served in our Jubilee Hall to which all of course are invited to join us.
We will take all children from 3 and upwards however if your child is younger, we would still welcome your child along and will have activities in place to keep them amused. We meet in the small Hall at 11am on Sundays..
The time we spend together each Sunday is short, however you will be able to view all of the work that the children have been completing during this time which is pinned to all boards around the hall.