My name is Calum Macdonald and I want to share a wee bit of the journey of faith that brought me to The Park Church here in Giffnock. I married my wife Wilma in 1984 and three years later began my studies at Glasgow University and after five years at University, two children, a year’s probation and 8yrs in my first charge in Saltcoats, I came to Giffnock in the August of 2001. The privilege of being a Parish Minister has had many challenges and rewards over the years, some good whilst others not so much. My deep affection for the folk I serve in this fine parish has never diminished in all the time I’ve been here. The ultimate challenge for all of us here at Park Church has always been to remain faithful to Him who loved us first, to seek to promote and proclaim his love to those around us, to honour Christ in our faith, in our service and in our witness. That is the Journey that lies ahead of us here at Park Church. If you would like to be part of that, then you will be more than welcome to join us.

The establishment of a congregation and minister did not take long to put into effect but the provision of their own suite of buildings that took a wee bit longer. In the interim the congregation met for Worship in Giffnock Courthouse which then was attached to Giffnock Police Station in Braidholm Road. It still is a Police Station and Courthouse to this day. Read more