For many who come to church one of the things they will connect a church with is the event of a Baptismal Service. For some churches there has been an adoption of the Practice of Believers Baptism, Other churches like the Church of Scotland have had a long standing tradition called the Sacrament of Infant Baptism. The National Church has only ever had two Sacraments, the other being the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper or Communion as it is otherwise known,
Infant Baptism has often been misunderstood. It has been thought by some to be “the get out of jail free card where if a child is baptised they will be guaranteed their place in Heaven where others see it as an opportunity to affirm the name of their child. This is not what Infant Baptism is about. Baptism is first and foremost about church membership. Parents take a huge step of faith when they make their vows before God with the goal that in doing this, their child being baptised will in time become full blown members of the church in their own right at a later stage in their lives when they can decide for themselves and having done so seek to make their Public Profession of Faith having been presented to the Kirk Session and invited to join with those other member of Jesus’ Church would share in the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

With the arrival of a new born child, parents will often begin to think about the event of a Baptismal Service. The process of this begins with a conversation with the minister who will arrange to meet with the parent or parents and have a discussion with them about a number of things.
- The Sacrament of Baptism will in most cases usually take place in the context of Sunday Morning Worship.
- What is Baptism and what are the misconceptions?
- What are the Vows we take and who takes them (i.e. in relation to parents and congregation)
- Who takes part in a Baptismal Service?
- What happens after a Baptism ?
- When will the service take place ?
- Is there a fee ?
As a parish church we are open to those within the parish especially being able to come and speak about what is involved with the minister. Whether a member of the Church, an Adherent or otherwise, you can simply contact the minister and begin discussions about Baptism and what it means.

Manse : 0141 638 3023
Church Office : 0141 620 2204
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